Hyperledger is one of the most popular enterprise-grade blockchain platforms on the market now. In reality, there are a tremendous amount of examples where companies are using Hyperledger as the backbone of their network.

However, Hyperledger is an umbrella project where other multiple projects are developing under it. More so, at present Hyperledger happens to have 14 projects under their wings. Among them, Hyperledger Fabric is the most popular one so far.

And today, I’ll be covering everything there is to know about the blockchain platform to help you out. So, let’s get started!

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Table of Contents

Chapter-1: What is Hyperledger Fabric?
Chapter-2: Basic Benefits of Hyperledger Fabric
Chapter-3: Hyperledger Fabric Architectural Model
Chapter-4: Identity, Membership and Peer Management
Chapter-5: Elements of the Ecosystem
Chapter-6: What Are The Use Cases?
Chapter-7: Companies Using Hyperledger Fabric
Chapter-8: Hyperledger Fabric: Training and Tutorials
Chapter-9: In the End


Chapter-1: What is Hyperledger Fabric?

It was the Linux foundation that first came up with the idea of Hyperledger in 2015. In reality, it was the perfect time to help the blockchain community to grow and reach the full potential it has.

However, Hyperledger does not only promote a single standard but offers a rather collaborative environment. So, there are multiple collaborative efforts under its wings.

Hyperledger Fabric is an open-source enterprise blockchain project under Hyperledger. Moreover, like any other blockchain networks out there, it comes with smart contracts, ledgers, and protocols that help the participants manage all of their transactions.

In reality, Hyperledger Fabric does have some differences from the typical blockchain platforms. One of them being the fact that it’s permissioned and a private network. So, rather than allowing unknown participants to enter a system, it creates a membership feature and allows the ones that are permitted.

To be frank, it’s an excellent approach for enterprises. In reality, enterprise companies have a lot of privacy issues. So, they need to maintain their integrity and keep all the competitor out of their network system.

Thus, having Hyperledger Fabric have your back really opens up new opportunities for the companies.

The platform is also quite flexible once you get to know about it. Furthermore, it offers pluggable feature options, use of multiple consensuses, different ledger formats, and MSPs. So, in a way, it does offer you a lot of opportunities to make it more user-friendly based on your needs.

On the other hand, it does have the option to channels that would let participants create private transactions. It’s vital for many companies because they may need to deal with sensitive issues. And, all the participants in a network isn’t fully trustable for that.

Chapter-2: Basic Benefits of Hyperledger Fabric

There are some basic Hyperledger Fabric blockchain benefits that you need to check out before I jump to the next segment. According to the Hyperledger fabric docs, the tech can deliver a lot of beneficial features – open-source, quality code, higher efficiency, modular design, and wide-ranging applications.

So, let’s see what the Hyperledger fabric samples really offer in this case.


  • Open-Source

Hyperledger Fabric blockchain is an open-source platform, so everyone is free to use it. Thus, it means that you won’t have to buy it from them if you want to use it for any of your projects. More so, there are no vendor lock-ins as well.

However, in many cases, the industries want to add more features or don’t want to waste money on developer fees. It’s because even though the source code is free, you would need to have developing skills to understand what you are dealing with.

And so, you would need a team of programmers that can understand it. Moreover, you can also add or remove some of the features to make the Hyperledger fabric blockchain more suitable for your industry.


  • Suitable For Wide-Ranging Industry

The platform can go with any kind of industry at present. So, it means no matter what kind of company you have, it would go perfectly with it. In reality, industries such as supply chain, banking, Internet of Things, healthcare, government, media, cybersecurity, and many others are pursuing it.

Moreover, many Hyperledger fabric samples on the market can show you how the tech is reaching popularity. Also, as the network is permissioned, using it in every environment becomes quite easy.


  • Quality Code

It offers careful observations to make sure that the quality prevails with every new addition. This is one of the best parts of the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. According to the Hyperledger fabric docs, you’ll see that all their codes go through a crucial inspection.

In reality, they want to focus more on quality than quantity. So, if they add any new features, it goes through heavy testing phases to find out any hidden fault. Moreover, as the Hyperledger fabric samples are open-sourced, the community also contributed greatly to perfecting the codebase.

Thus, you will always get a premium level of quality when it comes to Hyperledger fabric samples.


  • Higher Efficiency

According to the Hyperledger fabric docs, it provides more efficiency compared to other blockchain platforms.

In reality, the internal structure of the Hyperledger fabric blockchain promotes efficiency. Every node within the Hyperledger fabric samples has a different work assignment. So, it can separate the transactions form other commitment and ordering processes.

Thus, the nodes can process multiple transactions simultaneously without making the system slow. Moreover, this new structure makes sure that the time consumption is relatively low and accelerates the overall functionality.

Parallel to that, many nodes do not have the burden of processing the transactions. However, these nodes can focus on ledger maintenance or authentication.


  • Modular Design

Another great benefit that I know about from the Hyperledger fabric docs is the modular structure. The modular design ensures greater functionality of the network. And why wouldn’t it? In reality, you get to use different algorithms to run on the Hyperledger fabric samples for different purposes.

For example, you can choose an algorithm for encryption, another for identity and another for consensus. For this, all you have to do is to plug it in the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. So, you are not stuck with only one type of algorithm to run on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain.

That is a big plus, isn’t it?


Chapter-3: Hyperledger Fabric Architectural Model


Let’s start with assets. In Hyperledger Fabric architecture diagram, assets can be anything that holds a monetary value on the system. Moreover, the range can vary from tangible to intangible assets too. In reality, you would get the chance to modify any asset using the chaincode facility on the network.

All the assents in the Hyperledger fabric architecture diagram are represented as the key-value pair. On the other hand, transaction are the other state changes on the ledger. Additionally, you can represent the assets in JSON or in binary form.



Next comes the chaincode for the Hyperledger fabric architecture diagram. Well, chaincode is actually a business logic that can define an asset and other transactional modification of that asset. In reality, chaincode runs separately from transaction orders, which optimizes the network for more security.

Moreover, it enforces rules for altering the key-value pairs or any kind of other state in the database. You can execute a chaincode using a transitional proposal. Later the execution will then change the state of the asset.

You could think of it as a smart contract. In the Hyperledger fabric docs, they did use both terms interchangeably. However, they aren’t entirely the same thing.



In the Hyperledger fabric architecture diagram, another part is the ledger. It encodes all the transaction history in an immutable ledger. Also, comes with SQL query like capacity. In reality, the ledger is sequenced, and you can’t change the state of a transaction once it gets on the ledger.

This makes the ledger quite robust.

Other features include read-only queries, read-only histories, signatures of the transacting peer, and many more. But I will talk about them in a bit about the Hyperledger fabric architecture diagram.

Another great thing about the ledger is that it comes with access control lists so that only the person that has access to it can see it. In reality, if a person doesn’t have the right to see the information, then he/she can’t penetrate the security protocols.

Other than these, it also covers configuration for the blocks to make sure that every single block follows the same structure.



Well, the Hyperledger fabric architecture diagram indicates that the system is permissioned. So, if they don’t have any identity management, how will that work, right? In reality, Hyperledger Fabric smart contract offers a membership identity service that helps to manage all the identities in the permissioned network.

With the help of this element, you can choose who can enter the network and who can’t. And so, you will ultimately limit your internal network from outer reach.

It’s actually a great solution for Enterprise Company’s because there is much information that shouldn’t fall into the public hands. In reality, everyone needs to maintain their competitive edge in the market, and so you need the membership service.


Confidentiality and Privacy

With permissioned entering, you are getting confidentiality and privacy in the Hyperledger fabric architecture diagram.

Moreover, it comes with data restrictions and private transaction facilities. Anyhow you can share the ledger with the whole network of nodes, but you can also set privileges for other parties as well.

These basically include in private transactions. So, when you initiate a private transaction, you can choose to keep that record to yourself the participating party. But always remember that it will be on the ledger as well. Even though other people may not see it but it would still be there.


Security Protocols

You will get a higher degree of security protocols to safeguard the network from any attacks. In the Hyperledger fabric architecture diagram, you will get an encryption mechanism to safeguard all the information on the ledger.

So, anyone would see encrypted information instead of the real thing.

More so, they also have other safety measurements that make the network fully capable of warding off any attacks.

That makes this platform an excellent choice when it comes to enterprise companies. In reality, high-end companies always face an imminent threat of cyber-attacks. But with the help of blockchain technology, they can easily be safe.



Now for the most important part of the architecture. Well, in reality, it offers a unique approach for reaching consensus makes it perfect for the enterprise-grade solution. In reality, Hyperledger Fabric consensus algorithms operate on Kafka model.

But it’s just for reference purposes. In reality, you can use other consensus mechanisms for ordering purposes as well. This is actually one of the best features of Hyperledger fabric consensus algorithm.

It actually lets the user set the consensus protocol for the environment without limiting their creativity. You can also use multiple consensus protocols for multiple processes as well.

Anyhow at present, multiple pluggable Hyperledger fabric consensus algorithms are being proceeded at the moment. Also, the ordering services allow BFT based algorithms.

Furthermore, the new version of the tech brings a new addition to the consensus, which is Raft. However, it’s not Byzantine fault-tolerant but only crash fault-tolerant. And so, you cannot fork it as well.

Anyhow the Kafka model is also CFT and not BFT. But as the system is permissioned and only trusted people can come in, Kafka model is working effectively fine.

To maintain the integrity of the system, Hyperledger fabric consensus algorithm is a must. Now let’s see what the properties of the consensus are.

  • Liveliness: Here, all the non-faulty nodes will get the submitted transaction.
  • Safety: All the nodes in the system will get the same sequence of output for the same sequence of input. So, it means that when the nodes get identical transaction series, all the state changes will be the same as well.


Hyperledger Fabric Consensus Algorithm at Present –

  • Solo

In reality, the Hyperledger fabric consensus algorithm Solo is mostly a developer’s favorite algorithm for experimenting. Furthermore, it only includes a single node and definitely not suitable for production scenarios.


  • Kafka

Kafka is not a Byzantine Fault Tolerant but a crash fault-tolerance consensus algorithm. Here, the leader node will do all the ordering. On the other hand, in-sync replicas are the ones that are leaders. But after certain votes, you can choose a leader on the network.


  • Raft

In fabric, the Raft Hyperledger fabric consensus algorithm follows a leader and follower type model. In reality, all the leaders are dynamically selected from a batch of ordering nodes within the network. More so, the leader mainly replicates any messages to all of the following nodes.

However, the system can withstand the loss of nodes and even the leader nodes. But there needs to be ordering nodes available on the network. So, it’s a CFT and not a BFT.

For example, if there are 7 nodes in the network, it can withstand losing three nodes leaving the other four nodes.


What’s the Process?

Usually, the whole process is split into three parts –

  • Endorsement
  • Ordering
  • Validation

Basically, it follows these steps –

  • A client will request for a transaction.
  • The SDK application will then generate a transactional proposal and send it to the endorsing peer nodes.
  • After that, the peers would verify if the transaction proposed follows the standard form, contains the signature of the client and its valid or not, and if the client has permission for that.
  • Next, the transaction proposals input the argument and then passed to the smart contract or chaincode or to other SDK applications.
  • Then the application will verify the signatures and will compare proposal responses.
  • Later, it will broadcast the transaction with write/read sets and signatures to the ordering nodes.
  • The ordering nodes then prepare the block, and after that, they transmit it to all the peers.
  • All the peers get the updated block added to the chain, and the block gets added to the database as well.


Chapter-4: Identity, Membership, and Peer Management


In the blockchain network, there are many actors, such as administrators, orderers, peers, client applications, and many more. All of the actors have to get certification in order to enter the Hyperledger network.

In reality, these actors get certified identities to ensure that they have permission to access information in the network.

More so, the identity could include the individual’s organization’s name, what role he plays, or any other attributes. Basically, it’s a digital form of employee certification.



The Hyperledger fabric samples offer a Membership Service Provider feature that helps to identify which identity is trusted and which one isn’t.

In reality, the program either lists out the identities within an organization to be trusted. Or it also lists out which CAs are valid to authorize identities of the new members.

This way, when these CAs let other members enter the platform, they are automatically trusted.

Sometimes the system could use the combination from both models. Other than this, it also assigns specific authenticating roles to many identities. So, some may have access to certain information while others don’t.


Peer Management

What Are Peers?

There is no blockchain network without peers. In reality, peers host smart contracts and ledgers. More so, they actually form the whole blockchain network. Without peer nodes, there actually won’t be any running system.

In Hyperledger fabric docs, we see that there are many elements that interact with peers. Not only ledgers but also Hyperledger fabric smart contract relies heavily on these elements.

Anyhow there are some specific peer node roles within the Hyperledger fabric samples. In reality, all the nodes within the system don’t play the same position. Furthermore, all the tasks, functions get divided up between the peers. And together they can establish a middle ground of fairness.

So, let’s see what they are right now!


Peer Roles in the Network

  • Anchor Peers

All the anchor peers happen to be considered outside the organization network in the system. Initially, when anyone sets up the network at first, the anchor peer gets included.

However, the primary target of the Anchor peer is to use gossip to communicate and discover other anchor peers from different organizations.

As multiple organizations can co-exist in a network, other parties need to know what organizations are in the system. Thus, the anchor peers come in. However, they can only communicate with other Anchor peers but not with any non-anchor peers.


  • Non-Anchor Peers

Many organizations set up other peers beside anchor peers for many reasons. Basically, these peers can help to make the network deal with any disaster situation. Anyhow, non-anchor peers are basically a part of the channel, and they can communicate with other non-anchor peers in the channel.


  • Bootnode Peers

According to Hyperledger fabric docs, bootnode peers happens to be an integral part of the system. They help other peers within the organization to discover more peers and initiate gossip protocol. More so, the gossip protocol allows them to exchange different information regarding the system.


  • Leader Peers

Within an organization, there can be multiple peers. However, only one of them can actually take in new block order and distributes them among other peers. In reality, this type of peer is called Leader peer.

More so, the role of leader peer actually takes the burden off from the orderer.


  • Endorsing Peers

In reality, all the peers with Hyperledger fabric smart contract installed can take part in the endorsing processes. Mainly here, the participant’s sign the transaction based on whether it’s valid or not. Think of it as a consensus process, and here, the endorsing peer’s can only take part.


Chapter-5: Elements of the Ecosystem

hyperledger fabric use cases and companies

Now we will talk about the various other elements of the Fabric ecosystem. Let’s see what they are –

  • Ledger

The ledger in the system contains all the elements or state of the organization. In reality, think of it as a form of database where all the transactions are stored in an orderly manner. Anyhow the characteristics of a ledger in the system are what makes this new tech so lucrative.

In reality, no one can alter the ledger once any transactional data gets an entry in it. Moreover, even if anyone tries to change the values, it doesn’t work. More so, as everything is in an orderly manner, anyone can query search to find out any information regarding the transactions.


  • Word State

Here, the word state refers to the database that happens to collect all the cache data to find out the current values of the ledger. Thus, it makes it relatively easy to directly access the values rather than calculating it from the log.

Well, you can create, change, or update word state in the system. So, the value will change frequently.

Moreover, as it has a database structure, you will get a lot of other attributes to interact with the states as well. In reality, multiple applications adding transitions in the ledger will change the value of the state.

Hyperledger fabric smart contract applications also change it.


  • Block Structure

According to Hyperledger fabric docs, the block structure of the network is divided into three categories –

Block Header: The block header contains a block number which starts from the number zero or genesis block. Once new blocks arrive, it increases by one. On the other hand, it also contains a current block hash address and also the hash address of the previous block.

Block Data: In this section, all the transactions are arranged in order. In reality, the ordering service actually creates this section. Even though the transactions are rich, but they do contain a straightforward structure.

Block Metadata: Well, in this one, you will get the time, certification, signature of the block writer, pub key, and many more. Anyhow, there will be an indicator that would say whether this one is valid or not. Even though you would not see it in the hash information.


  • Transaction Structure

It contains five elements. Let’s see what they are –

Header: Here, the essentials of the transaction is included, such as metadata of the relevant chaincode version.

Signature: Here, the signature of the client is stored. In reality, it’s very important to include it to see if the transaction is valid or not.

Proposal: The proposal contains all the input parameters for the transaction. In combination with the world state, it creates a new world state.

Response: In this one, the before and after the state of the world state gets noted down. If the transaction is valid, then the system would use it.

Endorsement: Here, all the signs form the endorsing peer is included. It depends on the endorsement policy mainly.


  • The Ordering Service

In Hyperledger fabric there’s a node called orderer node that manages the ordering of transactions. Furthermore, along with other nodes in the protocols, it forms the ordering service.

In reality, public blockchains don’t have a proper ordering system, and that’s why many peers have a different take on the transaction order.

However, to solve that issue, Hyperledger introduced this new mechanism. Here, ledgers don’t fork like other typical platforms. So, whatever the peers deem valid will be final. But it has to go through the ordering service first.


  • Private Data

In case of keeping some of the information private form other parties, an organization gets the feature of creating a private channel. Here, they can only include the members that can see the information and keep other members out.

However, in all the private channels, there needs to be an administrative head to maintain all the Hyperledger fabric smart contract version and other policies. Moreover, it also doesn’t allow any use cases that can include other participants outside the channel.

Anyhow, this can be a really good way to secure sensitive information in any enterprise company.


Chapter-6: What Are The Use Cases?

  • Banking

Banking can be one of the most relevant Hyperledger Fabric use cases on the list. In reality, the network the banks aren’t equipped to withstand all kinds of cyber-attacks adequately.

Furthermore, these networks are regularly targeted by cybercriminals. So, the banks need to have a higher security system that would fend off all the attacks.

In many cases, banks also suffer from bad employees that tend to help these criminals get into the networks. However, with the help from Hyperledger fabric, finding these culprits is an easy breeze.

More so, the tech offers membership access, and everything that goes on the network is on the ledger. Moreover, with the top-notch security, no one from outside or inside can crash the system.


  • Financial Services

There are other financial services other than banks such as insurance can highly benefit from Fabric. Usually, the primary needs of this section are accountability, confidentiality, and privacy. Needless to say, this tech is more than capable of handling any of these scenarios.

In fact, these are the reason why permissioned blockchains are so popular. Here, the network is capable of separating nodes and giving them their very own privacy. Moreover, the replication of the same data is not possible because of the robust consensus algorithms.

Anyhow, financial services can also use Hyperledger fabric use cases for smart contracts as well. Here, they can start a smart contract without a fuss, and that would get rid of all the complications of paperwork.


  • Trade

The trade industry is one of the leading ones in the enterprise market niche at present. Moreover, it can be the best Hyperledger fabric use cases platform on the list. Trading deals with a lot of ups and downs.

In reality, the international trade system is not up to the market, as there is no trust between the two trading partners. For example, if you want to trade with a company that’s halfway across the world, you won’t really know whether the party is trustworthy or not.

As a result, many of them suffer from fraudulence, such as not delivering the goods or not paying up even after getting the products.

However, with Hyperledger, you can track the whole thing form the platform and use smart contract to automate the payment when the good arrives. So, it’s a win-win situation for both parties.


  • Healthcare

Healthcare is another one of the Hyperledger fabric use cases on the market. In reality, the field suffers from massive counterfeit issues, false credentialing, and privacy breaches. As the system is not well up-to-date, it fails to verify the credentials of a physician before hiring them.

Moreover, many counterfeit drugs get into the system, as there are no proper monitoring tools. As a result, many patients badly suffer. On the other hand, patients don’t want their personal medical records to be public property.

But the system is unable to guarantee full privacy, and the ordinary people suffer from that. However, with the new tech, you can all of the features in one network. Verifying credentials, tracking the drugs, and maintaining privacy would be much easier than ever.


  • Food Safety

Food safety is another great opportunity for Hyperledger fabric use cases. Because of the latest mass production of foods, the quality seems to be decreasing at a rapid rate. On the other hand, many companies aren’t following the safety codes properly.

As a result, the common people suffer from foodborne diseases. To ensure the full safety of the mass-produced food, the companies can use this network to track all of the processes.

In every stage, they can ensure that all the food is going through the standard requirements. Moreover, they also verify the quality checking inspections in real-time.


  • Internet of Things

Internet of Things is a wonderful Hyperledger fabric use cases. With everything being connected to each other, the internal system needs to have a very robust security protocol. If any cyber criminal gets access to one of the devices, he/she can compromise all other devices as well.

In reality, it’s a serious security threat. But with Hyperledger fabric, they can get the high-end security protocols they need.

More so, the devices can communicate with each other on a secure channel without anyone eavesdropping on them. Moreover, the devices would share information when it needs to and not all the time.


  • Energy

Well, in reality, the energy market is for the big players now. However, the majority of the energy sector deals with unbalanced distributions. Without proper management of the system, all the resources would soon run out.

With help from Hyperledger fabric, it becomes relatively easy for this sector to manage and organize it properly. More so, it’s capable of offering a new kind of marketplace where the homeowners can lease out their energy when needed.

This way, proper tracking of energy use is possible. Moreover, there would be limited discontinuations as well. And this is how the industry would change the landscape of the system.


  • Information Technology

I guess the IT sector is the most prominent Hyperledger fabric use cases. In reality, this sector is responsible for keeping the system running in a business network and making sure that the data is protected.

However, due to the use of legacy network systems, this sector is relatively falling behind. More so, people manipulating the data for their personal gain is more prominent than ever. However, with the help of this new tech, companies can now get the full security they need.

Moreover, Hyperledger Fabric is fully equipped to support any kind of feature. So, adding up new layers of security features would not compromise the network at all.


  • Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is truly a great industry where Hyperledger fabric use cases can shine. However, this industry is one of the hardest ones to manage so far. In reality, every single step of this supply chain management is utterly complex.

Tracing all the supplies and production line and making sure that it reaches the customers without being stolen is tough.

But with the new technology, these industries can streamline everything in real-time. It would be an easy call to see if the supplies have quality, or checking the production line or even storing them properly.

Also, the tech makes sure that no one can steal the goods and replace them with counterfeit products.


  • Government

Well, governmental services need a grave change. With all the corruption in this industry, the citizens are slowly losing their faith in the system. And why shouldn’t they? Everything in the government is mismanaged and offers slow outputs.

As a result, all the citizens under a government suffers greatly. Moreover, the government also has a shaky amount of paper trails that are prone to misuse.

However, with the help from the permissioned channel, they can store all of their sensitive data on the platform without any issues at all. More so, no one can alter the files on the network. So, corruption would finally be over, and people would get the clarity they need.


  • Automotive

In reality, the transport sector is rapidly changing. Furthermore, most of the system now includes smart devices. It means that now transports are way smarter than traditional ones. But to maintain the devices, the industry needs a bulletproof network.

And Hyperledger fabric happens to offer it. With help from this system, it can deal with security issues. More so, it can track a vehicle and offer micropayment solutions to ride-sharing applications.

Tracking parts is also another great plus point of this use case. Furthermore, having a secured drop point for any kind of payments relative to the niche is relatively extraordinary.


  • Media and Entertainment

The media and entertainment industry does use more techy systems than other industries. However, another issue plagues this system. In many cases, the artists don’t get proper compensation for their work.

Furthermore, many people use other people’s work as their own, which increases the copyright issue.

But even with patenting the media and entertainment industry is unable to stop all the problems. Thus, in this case, Hyperledger fabric use case can help out greatly. It can issue a patent or license the work of an artist.

More so, it can also track down any illegal use of that art form quite easily.


Chapter-7: Companies Using Hyperledger Fabric

  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Well, you already know by now that healthcare data needs a high level of security and Hyperledger fabric can provide that with ease.

In reality, the FDA is using this new tech to offer security for the healthcare data. Moreover, the platform provides tremendous benefits to the patients. Using this platform, the patients can manage their medical data more independently. Also, with proper use, the platform can lead to great medical discoveries.

Anyhow, at present, it’s storing Electronic Medical Records (EMR), genomic information and clinical trials.

Furthermore, the platform is highly scalable and offer an efficient way to manage all the healthcare-related information.


  • London Stock Exchange Group

London Stock Exchange Group is using Hyperledger fabric to fuel a different kind of commercial business network. But they are only using this technology as a medium to get interoperability within their already existing system.

And by doing so, they are promoting efficiency. In reality, the project is aiming for segregation, along with confidentiality. These two components are absolutely vital for financial services.

Therefore, Fabric is just perfect for the project. More so, it’s fully equipped to offer confidentiality with its membership feature. And the platform will use cryptography to support the full privacy requirements as well.

Anyhow, many other companies are working with the London Stock Exchange to get the interoperability.


  • Sichuan Hejia Co. Ltd.

Pharmaceuticals are also other healthcare sectors that’s been dealing with a lot of issues. But to solve all the troubles of this sector, Sichuan Hejia is coming forward with a Hyperledger fabric-based platform.

However, the company is not along, other pharmaceutical retailers, banks, and hospitals are also working on the project. In reality, they are using Yijian Blockchain Application system. This system runs on the Fabric and works efficiently.

In reality, the main goal of Heija is to offer a transparent supply chain management solution for pharmaceutical companies. More so, it also offers a streamline of all the payment processes from the network alone.


  • ANZ and Westpac

Digitization of bank guarantee processes is another one of the ongoing Fabric projects are the moment. Here, the companies ANZ, Scentre Group, and Westpac are working together to make the project a success.

At present, they are taking technological support from IBM for it. Usually, bank guarantees have a lot of issues, such as tampering and illegal documentation. But banks have to deal with the issue. With the growing need, it does become hard to verify every single documentation properly.

So, to make it more efficient, all the documents will use be on the ledger and go through a strict digital verification method.

This way, the corruption in this niche will finally end.


  • CLS

One of the companies using Hyperledger Fabric is CLS. In reality, CLS is using Hyperledger Fabric for their payment netting solution. At present, they are calling it “CLSNet.” The reason for introducing this new project is to reduce risks, optimization of intraday liquidity, and to promote awareness of any currency in real-time.

Anyhow, CLS happens to be one of the largest settlement and risk mitigation provider for the foreign exchange marketplace.

Furthermore, this solution will definitely include players such as hedge funds, brokers, broker-dealers, banks, and corporations. Moreover, the users can directly submit the FX instructions using the CLSNet platform.


  • UBS

UBS is collaborating with other companies such as Bank of Montreal (BMO), Commerzbank, CaixaBank, and Erste Group for a global trade platform. Hyperledger fabric smart contract will power the platform solely.

Anyhow, they are taking technological help from IBM to make it happen. Moreover, they are calling the platform “Batavia.” Using this platform, any kind of organization, whether it’s large or small, gets to enter into the trading game.

Also, it won’t matter what route you are using to make the trade. Thus, the platform is offering a more efficient, cost-friendly, and scalable environment to trade with transparency.

Therefore, it could change the way of global trade industries.


  • TenneT Energy Community

Nowadays the demand for electricity is gradually increasing. And why wouldn’t it? In reality, the supply of electricity is becoming more and scarcer. SO, if this goes on, in the future the supply would not be enough at all. ‘

That’s why the TenneT Energy Community is introducing a new solution. Moreover, this solution uses Hyperledger Fabric smart contract to power the system. What this technology will do is to use stored electricity form houses to power any supply insufficiency.

Thus, the platform will take note of which household or electricity source is available for lending and use that for backup. Obviously, the people who will lend their power will get compensated for that.


  • Change Healthcare

Change healthcare is another one of the companies that are using Hyperledger Fabric for some time now. In reality, the company is using it for a healthcare niche. Moreover, they are developing a platform called Intelligent Healthcare Network™.

The platform will help the users manage their claims perfectly. Moreover, it will help the healthcare organizations to see the trust of the claims and how the remittances are over the cycle. More so, it offers a great deal of efficiency for auditing, developing, and tracing.

On the other hand, as it’s a patient-centric solution, it does offer a lot of innovative approaches.


  • Maple Leaf Foods

Maple Leaf Foods is also on the list of companies that are using Fabric to back their supply chain management. At present, they are taking technological support from SAP as they offer BAAS services. Moreover, they want to streamline their supply chain processes as tending to deal with a lot of losses.

In reality, using this new tech would not only streamline their output, but it would give them a new level of transparency.

According to them, digitization would always lead to more efficiency, and they want to embrace the distributed ledger technology as well.

Furthermore, the quality tests of their supplies are the best way they can assure their customers.


  • Naturipe Farms

The berry company Naturipe Farms is also working on a supply chain management platform. Here, they are using Hyperledger Fabric to accomplish their project. At present, they are taking support from SAP.


Anyhow, the project is going to track their blueberries all the way from the harvesting period. More so, the workers there will add QR codes to tell the story of how the blueberries came from the frilled to the hands of their customers.

Also, as they can see and track the quality of the blueberries right from the network that ensures a lot of revenues.


  • Nestlé

Along with France’s biggest supermarket chain Carrefour, Nestlé is working on a food traceability platform. For that, they are using Hyperledger Fabric as the base tech for their project. More so, they are taking IBM’s technological help for it.

Anyhow, the project is currently in the trial period now and will run for about six months to see how it works. At present, they are only tracking Mousseline purée, and it will help their customers to know how it was produced.

So, to do that, the customers can go to the store and scan the QR code to see the journey from farm to the super market of the potatoes. The primary is to offer more transparency in every way possible.


  • Walmart

Walmart is another enthusiastic leading company for the blockchain niche. In reality, they think that blockchain is just perfect for their food supply chain. So, to test it out they’re using Hyperledger Fabric as the base technology.

Furthermore, they started out with tracing mangoes and pork in the USA and China stores. However, they extended it to 25 items at present. The project is showing great promise as it allows us to verify the authenticity of the certification of the products.

Therefore, it only needs 2.2 seconds to trace their product sources! That’s a great upgrade from 7 days!

Anyhow, they plan to extend the product list and include more as time goes on.


  • Unilever

The digital ad supply chain is relatively in a toxic place. In reality, the consumers don’t care about the complex algorithmic racking of their preferred ads. But they do care when they see the same ad over 100 times in a day.

The situation is relatively way for annoying, according to Unilever. And so they are collaborating with IBM to ensure that the scenario of digital ad supply chain changes. With help from technology, they want to ensure a balanced amount of ad flows on the internet.

Furthermore, they also want to decrease the number of false advertisement to create a more flawless experience for the customers.


  • Russia’s Central Depository

Sberbank is one of the Russian state-owned banking service company that issues commercial bond transaction with the help of blockchain. In reality, the bank did carry out the transaction using a blockchain network system. However, the network system is operated by National Settlement Depository (NSD).

At present, the network runs on Hyperledger Fabric version 1.1. Moreover, it does offer simultaneous transfers of bonds without any issues. According to them, it was a huge success, and they plan to extend their interest in the tech.

Anyhow, the project also offers a great deal of transparency and security protocols for them. This helps them to transact large quantities without worrying about cyber issues.


  • Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria and Bank Danamon Indonesia

To make the payment process more transparent, IBM is working on a Hyperledger based project with multiple financial institutes around the world. In reality, it includes –

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Bank Danamon Indonesia, Wizdraw (HK) of WorldCom Finance, TD Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, (RCBC) the Philippines, Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. National Australia Bank, Mizuho Financial Group, Kasikornbank Thailand, Bank Permata, and many more.

With help from these parties, they want to improve the flow of currency and other payment processes. In reality, the system does offer more transparency and security compared to traditional means. So, by the year 2020, everything should be more seamless in the financial world.


  • Rwanda Tantalum Project

Rwanda is an African country that is most popular for the supply of tantalum. This is a rare mineral that companies use to make capacitors for electronic devices. However, there is a lot of issue with impurities.

So, to make sure that all the mineral is 100% pure and came from the authentic source, they are using Fabric to power their system. At present, the Rwanda Tantalum Project is working quite gracefully. Furthermore, they’re using a ton of new approaches to streamline the verification of supplies.

Moreover, it also reduces their cost to maintain the flow and bring in more revenue as well.


Chapter-8: Hyperledger Fabric: Training and Tutorials

Hyperledger Fabric Training

Well, for Hyperledger fabric training, you can try out their original website. To make sure you are fully capable of handling your very own network solution, the company is willing to offer Hyperledger fabric training courses.

Along with the training courses, you can also get professional certification from the company itself. So, it would also boost your chances of getting blockchain jobs on the market.

Anyhow, the open-source materials would really help you out. At present they have two types of Hyperledger fabric training courses under the Linux Foundation.

One course is for understanding the probable use cases and implications of those use cases in the field. It will cover what the tech is and how will it impact the real world. More so, you will also get many examples of uses cases in businesses, institutions, and enterprise products.

The other one offers more of a business perspective of the network. Here, you will learn about how to develop the application using the platform. It’s respectively an excellent option for those that know what blockchain is but wants to know about the implementation phases.

Needless to say, both of Hyperledger fabric training courses are entirely free to enroll.

For certification, you will be Certified Hyperledger Fabric Administrator (CHFA) after completing their courses.

Hyperledger fabric training will cover these following niches –

  • Installation and configuration of the network
  • Troubleshooting and diagnosing processes
  • Membership service provider
  • Network operations and maintenance
  • Application lifecycle management
  • Professional Certifications

However, you can also get help from other blockchain-based websites as well. We also offer a deep understanding of enterprise blockchain masterclasses and training to help you out.


Hyperledger Fabric Tutorial

Along with their training, they also offer Hyperledger fabric tutorial to help you out. Starting from their first Hyperledger fabric tutorial, you will learn about application development. In reality, it will take you through the process of step by step method to writing the first applications. So, in a way, you would know precisely how to do that using the platform.

Moreover, here, you will also know about the Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK. Furthermore, this Hyperledger fabric tutorial will ensure that you understand what you are doing.

Next, they have Hyperledger fabric tutorial for the operators as well. Here, they will teach you how to build your first network. Anyhow, it will also ensure that you go through every step of the way and then can try out a sample application to test it.

Other than these, multiple tutorials would help you to add Org to the channel, updating it, adding more features, introducing new components, etc.

So, it’s kind of like a compact solution for you. Anyhow, there are numerous videos available and a big community to get help form.

At presents the Hyperledger fabric tutorial available from their end is –

  • Multiple Videos
  • Writing the First Application
  • Building the First Network System
  • Tutorial for Commercial Paper
  • How to Add Org to a Channel
  • How to Use Private Data
  • Upgrading the Components
  • Tutorials for Chaincode
  • Developers Tutorial for Chaincode
  • Operators Tutorial for Chaincode
  • How to Use CouchDB
  • System Chaincode Plugins


Chapter-9: In the End

Well, in the end, I have to say that the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain does look quite promising. I tried to cover everything they have to offer. More so, you should also have a good insight into how the platform really works.

As they have multiple platforms under their company, it’s best to know about each of them and decide what works best for you. In reality, this particular technology is mostly popular because of the wide range of use cases.

And there are so many other examples out there making this tech even more lucrative. Therefore, you should give it a try as well and see for yourself.