Most sectors are severely impacted by lockdowns from a commercial perspective and have a clear need to transform their business model to a digital one to provide some form of commercial continuity. The Art World is perhaps one of the sectors where this need is most acute. Moving from a physical gallery to an online display to one enabled with merchant capabilities are the basic steps to achieve this. With the NFT proliferation of the past 2 years, it seems a natural next step in the digital transformation process to add NFTs representing the ownership rights for the artworks for several reasons.

This webinar will delve into the additional advantages that NFTs add to the digital transformation of the Art World and talk about physical art as endowments for artists, new markets, and clients that are attracted to NFTs, the benefits of rationalization, and insights from real-world implementations.

This Webinar is for you if you want to

  • Understand the challenges covid constraints impose on the art world
  • Learn more about how NFTs are opening up new possibilities for traditional art galleries
  • Gain insights from real-world implementations in the Art World

This webinar is available only to premium members. Become a member now to watch this webinar.